Cookies are small pieces of data or text files that are stored by your web browser on your hard drive. Cookies allow a website to personalise your shopping experience and let the website know when the user has returned for example. Our cookies do not contain any personal information about you however and are only used to determine your browser and user preferences for our site, to help enhance your browsing experience. However, if you prefer, you can set your browser software to not accept cookies. You should still be able to use our site without cookies enabled, but you may lose a certain level of functionality.

We respect the activation of the Do Not Track feature in your browser. If Do Not Track is activated in the browser, third-party tracking is deactivated and no web font from external resources is integrated.

Please be advised that general deactivation of cookies may cause malfunctions in the use of our website and, in addition, does not reliably prevent transmission of data to Google Analytics. We therefore recommend using the “Do Not Track” option (DNT) of your Internet browser. Depending on the browser, this is either a button in the program settings or an add-in or plug-in module that has to be installed retroactively. If this option is activated, your browser signals to our web server that you do not wish any tracking to be performed without your explicit consent. Then all tracking functions will be automatically activated by us on the server side. This also means that our websites will be delivered without code for Google Analytics. This assures the best possible data protection, and you do not have to take any further measures with regard to our website.

Depending on which Internet browser you are using, the process for activating the “Do Not Track” option varies. Follow the links below to find out how to do it:

• Mozilla Firefox – Instructions for activating “Do Not Track” in the program options

• Microsoft Internet Explorer – Instructions for activating “Do Not Track” in the program options

• Google Chrome – Instructions for activating “Do Not Track” in the program options

• Apple Safari – Instructions for activating “Do Not Track” in the program options


For the integration of videos, we use, among others, the provider YouTube. YouTube is operated by YouTube LLC headquartered at 901 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. YouTube is represented by Google Inc. headquartered at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

If you access the subpages of our website that have a YouTube plug-in, a connection will be established to the YouTube servers and the plug-in will be displayed. By doing so, information about which of our subpages you have visited will be transmitted to the YouTube server. If, while doing so, you are logged in to YouTube as a member, YouTube will associate this information with your personal user account. If you use the plug-in, e.g., by clicking on the start button of a video, this information will also be associated with your user account. Further information on data processing and information on data protection by YouTube (Google) can be found at

If the Do Not Track feature is activated in your browser, no external YouTube content will be loaded without your consent; instead, only an indication of this option (play button) will be displayed.


When using our social media tags, keep in mind that this information is shared publicly. Therefore, don’t give out any information you wouldn’t be comfortable with a stranger knowing – this includes your address, phone number, date of birth, email address, bank and credit card details, and place of work.


If your social media account is set to »private«, your posts will not be seen by anyone other than those in your network. If your social media account is public, we recommend that you do not use these tags or you delete them from your post

Use of Social Plug-ins of Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest

Social plug-ins (hereafter called »plug-ins«) of social networks are used on our website.

In order to increase the protection of your data when you visit our website, these plug-ins are not integrated into the site unreservedly, but rather only via an HTML link. This integration guarantees that when you access a page of our website that contains such plug-ins, no connection is established yet to the servers of the provider of the respective social network. If you click on one of the buttons, a new window will open in your browser and will access the site of the respective service provider where you can (possibly after entering your login data) press, e.g., the Like or Share button.

For more information about the purpose and extent of the data elicitation and the further processing and use of the data by the providers on their sites, as well as about your rights in this regard and setting options to protect your privacy, please check the data protection information of the respective providers:



