I design high quality products made to last without exploiting the environment and the people who make it.

Most importantly I want to help you to really feel good in your clothes, to develop a bond with and create memories in them again and again!

How do I make that a reality, you ask? Well, keep reading.


I try to work exclusively with natural fibres, because out of experience I know that due to dermatitis, eczema and intolerances many people are unable to wear synthetic fibres. Unfortunately only a handful of brands limit themselves to using natural fibres and it’s becoming harder too, as there are so many synthetic blends being produced nowadays. That’s where I want to make a difference, and I will keep researching and experimenting to improve this issue.


I make a lot of prints, so obviously I want to make sure that these are responsibly dyed. In this process I work together with some amazing like-minded people. And I also keep researching this process to be able to offer you the best products with a clear conscience on my and your part.


My aim is to use completely biodegradable packaging and swing tags. This bit requires continuous sourcing because of more and more new and exciting innovation in this field.

Isn’t that scratchy feeling at the back of your neck annoying? Well, I am onto a solution to solve that problem! I am getting rid of itchy and scratchy fabric labels, by using soft, natural fibres to make them.


Look at the picture on the right.

These are cut up bits and pieces of leftover fabrics that have accumulated over the years. Most offcuts in the fashion industry end up too small to make another garment with or they’re funny shapes, so they just end up in the waste bin. That’s a hefty amount of fabric wastage!

It’s pallula’s mission to take care of its own fabric waste by repurposing offcuts into accessories, small gift items and even clothes.

I have experimented with turning patchworked offcuts and leftover material back into a fabric, thus creating exciting new material for unique products design.

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