Sustainability is super important to me! So, I try my best to make sure that the products I offer are sustainable and that natural materials and eco-friendly dyes are used. Fair working conditions for anyone involved in the production process is also a big priority for me. As pallula grows, I make it my mission to push for more sustainable fabric options and eco-friendly dyeing methods.


My design style is a mix of clean-cut, cool shapes, plus quirky and creative design. A big focus for me is designing unique prints, which are created from my own photographs and artwork. I’m also really into embellishments such as beading and embroidery, which can be quite heavy in plastics, so I’m working towards reducing the use of plastic embellishments. The sources of my inspiration are widely spread but always relate back to the ever-evolving wonders of nature.

PS: Made with Love

I have set up a sub-brand called PS: Made with Love, under which you can find a variety of products, many of them made from the brand’s own offcuts, which would otherwise be too small or wrongly shaped to be used for garments. I have experimented with turning patchworked offcuts and leftover material back into a fabric.

This way I can massively reduce pallula’s own fabric waste by making really cool, unique things, such as cards, small zip bags, tote bags etc.

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