Hi there! Let me introduce pallula to you… pallula is a sustainable and eco-friendly womenswear and accessories brand, creating fresh, unique, and timeless pieces by hand. Key for me is designing high quality products made to last without exploiting the environment and the people who make them, by producing sustainably and repurposing the brand’s own fabric offcuts and material leftovers.

How did I start? Well, when I, the foundress of pallula, graduated from University, I couldn’t find a brand to apply to that suited both my strong values and design style, so I decided to start my own business. I turned to the Prince’s Trust to take part in their enterprise programme, which helps and supports young people (18-30 of age) set up their own businesses. And the idea for pallula was born, as they say…

It’s amazing how much support there is out there for young people who want to go the self-employment route! If you’re a young person trying to do exactly that, check out the Prince’s Trust Enterprise programme – it could be for you!

I’m still working out the details for the brand at the moment, as there’s still so much to learn in the sustainable fashion field with more and more research leading to great innovations. Exciting times! I will of course add more content and products as I go along. I just want to make sure I have most of the stuff figured out, as I wouldn’t want to pretend the brand is something that it’s not. Total transparency here!

As I’m just starting out, I will document and share this journey with you here and on pallula’s social media accounts with photos and blog posts of the process of designing and making the products, plus behind-the-scenes stuff and also other cool bits and pieces.

Stay tuned!
