Hi there! Big news: I’ll be exhibiting at The Country Living Magazine Christmas Fair 2018 in Harrogate! This is a huge Fair and a great opportunity to showcase my garments for the first time and to test trade a few new products. I am super exited to go to Harrogate again; this city gives off such a lovely Chistmassy feeling! I have been here before for Fairs, but have never had my very own stall to fill. And as I am still working on my business plan for The Prince’s Trust, I can use this opportunity to find out more about you lovely lot: the customers. I will bring along a short survey to get to know you better, which I will also put out online after the Fair in case you don’t have enough time to fill it in on location; it is a big Fair to get through after all.

The Fair will take place at the HCC in Harrogate from 29 November-2 December, and you can find me in the Newcomer area, stall number B18. Have a family day out or go Christmas shopping with your girls, either way, have a lovely time . See you there!

And on that note, I better get preparing…
